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ORIJEN Adult Freeze-Dried Dog Food


With all the extra processes and additives to modern kibble, many dog owners are now on the lookout for a return to the natural way of eating. Short of hunting and preparing daily catch, ORIJEN Adult freeze dried dog food is the closest thing you’ll find! Formulated with 90% meat ingredients like cage-free chicken, turkey and nest-laid eggs from local prairie farms, wild-caught fish for crucial fats and proteins - the remaining 10% a selection of wholesome fruits and vegetables to provide essential antioxidants and vitamins. All ingredients are delivered fresh and gently freeze-dried in ORIJEN’s own kitchens without cooking or preservatives, to lock in the natural, life-giving nutrients and flavors abound in a wild diet. Whether provided as your dog’s main meal, or a supplement to the dry kibble, your dog will surely benefit from the arrival of new flavors and nutrients in ORIJEN Adult freeze-dried dog food!

Why We Love It

  • 90% fresh local meat ingredients, gently freeze dried
  • Grain-free and potato free
  • made in the USA


ORIJEN's goal is simple; provide the best possible food for your pet, period. Dogs and cats evolved as hunters - the structure of their teeth, jaws, and digestive system scientifically classifies them as carnivores, evolved to eat a meat based diet. Through a biologically appropriate diet packed with fresh meats, ORIJEN captures the carnivore in your pet and releases their inner instinct in each grain-free recipe. With 85-90% meat ingredients, ORIJEN has 3 times the that of most conventional dog and cat foods. Two thirds of the meats in every formula is raw or fresh, and never rendered or processed, so they are brimming with proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. The high quality fresh meats and low-glycemic healthy carbohydrates are all sustainably sourced in the USA and made in Kentucky from trusted farmers. With heritage red meats from America's heartland, wild caught fish from New England, free run poultry and eggs, locally grown fruits, vegetables and botanicals such as butternut squash and Bartlett Pears, trusted sustainable American farmers are at the core of ORIJEN's business. The unmatched variety of high quality ingredients rival mother nature, supplying nutrients in their freshest, most natural flavorful form, mimicking the ancestral diet and keeping your pet's inner instinct happy and healthy.


Chicken ground with bone, chicken liver, turkey, whole herring, eggs, pea fiber, turkey liver, turkey heart, flounder, chicken heart, whole pumpkin, collard greens, carrots, whole apples, salt, dried kelp, zinc proteinate, potassium chloride, manganese proteinate, copper proteinate, mixed tocopherols (preservative), vitamin E supplement.

Guaranteed Analysis

Nutrient Guaranteed Units
Crude Protein 40% min
Crude Fat 34% min
Crude Fiber 5% max
Moisture 4% max
Calcium 1.4% min
Phosphorus 2% min
Omega-6 Fatty Acids 5.5% min
Omega-3 Fatty Acids 1% min
DHA & EPA 0.2% min

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